среда, 11 октября 2017 г.

16 Amazing Foods to Help Fight Arthritis Pain

16 Amazing Foods to Help Fight Arthritis Pain

If you’re suffering from arthritis you have probably noticed that the pain can ebb and flow based on your diet, activity level, and even the weather. Getting a handle on the foods you eat can be a challenge, since you’ll need to learn how to incorporate foods into what’s known as an arthritis diet to help ease arthritis pain and improve mobility. You’ll also want to limit or cut off the intake of foods that make it worse. Here’s a list of foods you should start eating more of today in order to help your condition improve. Always consult with your doctor before making any major dietary changes.

16 Amazing Foods- to help fight arthritis pain.
16 Amazing Foods- to help fight arthritis pain.

bananas for joint pain
bananas for joint pain

1. Bananas

Bananas are simply a great food to consume overall, but especially if you’re trying to do something about your arthritis. They typically get referenced as a high-potassium food, but they do contain plenty of other vitamins and minerals that your body simply can’t go without for long. This vitamin mix includes folate, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6, all of which help to battle back arthritis and keep your symptoms to a minimum. Not only that but you’re getting the fiber from a banana, which can help your digestive system and help you be healthier overall.

2. Bell Peppers

The Vitamin C in bell peppers acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help battle free radicals in the body, which in turn helps reduce the amount of inflammation, and thus limits the amount of pain you feel from your arthritis. It’s difficult to the point of being nearly impossible to avoid everything that causes free radicals, so it’s better to supply your body with enough antioxidants to limit the damage done, and help you have better health and a feeling of well-being. Bell peppers are easily worked into most meals and give an instant vitamin boost.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil represents a healthy fat, and is one of the best oils you can use for daily cooking. You’ll want to make sure that you’re using a high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil so that you get the most out of it. The great part about using olive oil is that it contains ingredients that act the same way that over-the-counter painkillers do. Talk with your doctor first before stopping any medications, but it’s fascinating to think that what you eat can have such a big impact on your health and the way you feel. Add olive oil as a salad dressing, or use it to cook up bright colored veggies to blast back arthritis pain.

4. Whole Grains

Whole grains need to get the go ahead instead of the refined grains you find in many mainstream products. They actually work to reduce your inflammation rather than raise it the way that refined grains can. The good news is that food manufacturers are catching on to the healthiness of whole grains, and you can now find many whole grain products. The bad news is that you don’t know the type of quality of grain being used, and there are often additional ingredients in these products that might negatively affect your arthritis.


5. Mango

Mangos aren’t always in season, but when they are be sure to pick some up. They go a long way in supporting your body and making it so you don’t have as much arthritis pain. This is thanks to the number of antioxidants they contain. They also supply Vitamin E in healthy doses, and contain beta Carotene which you can tell by their distinct color. This has been shown to help keep some types of arthritis from getting worse.

6. Shrimp

Shrimp and other shellfish can help symptoms of arthritis, as long as you don’t have any allergies to them. Shrimp also makes a healthy choice because of its protein content. It’s a versatile food that you can use in a variety of recipes, or simply stir fry it up with some vegetables in olive oil for a complete meal that should work to lessen the amount of inflammation you’re experiencing.

7. Apples

Apples offer a host of benefits because of all of the vitamins and antioxidants they contain. One of those is being able to help with arthritis. Apples are one of those fruits that has so many benefits to it, you owe it to yourself to have them on a regular basis. Apples can be used on just about any diet program to help you lose weight if needed, which can help reduce the strain on joints, which could also help your pain and mobility issues.

8. Nuts

Several types of nuts can help with the level of inflammation in your body. They supply healthy fats your body needs each day, and there are a few that are more notable for their ability to help with arthritis than others. Start adding more walnuts to your diet right away, as these seem to be one of the top performers. You can also supplement with Brazil nuts as well as cashews, as these have been shown to provide relief as well.

sweet potatoes help with arthritis
sweet potatoes help with arthritis

9. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes have several benefits over their white counterparts, and they deserve spot on your regular menu. Their orange color is a giveaway that they contain beta Carotene, as well as additional antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Try substituting white potatoes with sweet potatoes whenever you get the chance, and reap the benefits from these more nutritious spuds.

10. Soy

Soy products can be a big help when trying to get a handle on your arthritis, but they should be avoided if you have gout along with your arthritis. You can eat soy in its many different forms, but fermented soy products like miso, tempeh, and some types of tofu seem to provide the best reduction in inflammation and arthritis pain.

11. Lentils

Lentils have been suggested as a dietary food for those suffering from arthritis. They also help you feel fuller longer, and help stabilize blood sugar levels. They can be used as part of a healthy diet, just be sure to buy them raw and cook them up as needed. This simply involves boiling them in a pot until they become tender. This gives you quality control so you can pick the best lentils.

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Original article and pictures take bembu.com site

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