среда, 11 октября 2017 г.

2 thoughts on “The Best Pageant Workout Plan for You”

2 thoughts on “The Best Pageant Workout Plan for You”
pageant workout, pageant coaching tips
pageant workout, pageant coaching tips

After you’ve read so many articles on top five exercises for your butt, legs, and arms, are you confused and don’t even know what to do during your work out anymore? Everything seems so complex. So, it’s about time you get a summary of what you really should be doing. The best pageant workout plan has three components to it: eating healthy, strength and weight training, and cardio. You can lift as many weights and run as many miles as you want, but if you aren’t eating healthy you will not get the results you want.

Eating Healthy: With all of the “eat this and not” that you’ve read, you’re probably confused. Something simple that you can do is go on www.choosemyplate.gov and create a profile for yourself with SuperTracker and My Plan. These tools will generate a daily calorie limit for you along with how much of each food group you should eat daily. After you review this, you can get a good idea of what you should be doing.

If you are someone who wants to count calories, I suggest downloading the MyFitnessPal app on your phone, with which you can create a calorie plan that is customized. As you eat food throughout the day, you enter it in the app and it will tell you how many calories you have eaten for the day. The key to healthy eating is to adhere to your calorie limit so you are either able to maintain your current weight or lose weight if need be. It is also important to make sure you are eating from all five food groups on a daily basis. Just remember it is okay to treat yourself every once in a while.

Strength and Weight Training: Strength and weight training should be done two to three times a week. Some people think you need to go and lift weights for an hour, but that is not true. The most important thing with weight training is the recovery for your muscles, because this is the time when they are repairing and getting toned. You should allow at least 24 hours in between weight training sessions.

When doing strength and weight training, it is important to work all areas of your body for a total workout. Work your quads, hamstrings, butt, inner and outer thighs, arms, chest, and back. Set the weight on something easy to start out with and do as many repetitions as you can until your muscles are exhausted and you cannot do any more. Try and increase the weight each workout session if you can.

You can try this Bodyweight Workout Poster for inspiration from Fitwirr:

Source: Fitwirr.com

Cardio: I know that many people think running does it all, but running actually takes away from your muscles. If you are in the gym trying to get your muscles toned, but run on other days, it will take longer for you to see definition. Since running can be hard on your knees as well, there are many other cardio options. Try going to a group workout class like Zumba, jazzercise, step class, water aerobics, kickboxing, or spinning. All of these classes are usually an hour long and can burn more calories than going on a run would. Going to group classes are fun as well. I would recommend doing cardio about two to three days a week. Don’t push yourself too hard though, rest in between workouts is just as important as the workout.

Try this no running cardio workout from Get Healthy U:

No Running Cardio Workout
No Running Cardio Workout

You can also get both strength and cardio in this High Intensity Interval Training Workout from A Cup of Kellen:

HIIT Strength Workout
HIIT Strength Workout

Original article and pictures take ygidei-2v0qo9ojrpb5.cloudmaestro.com site

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