среда, 11 октября 2017 г.

(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG - Acupuncture Points

(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG - Acupuncture Points
(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG -1
(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG -1


[(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG - Acupuncture Points] In the centre of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles.

How to find

This point is best located with the patient’s knee slightly flexed.

Locate the centre of the popliteal crease (a pulse may be palpable)

and there locate BL-40.

Located on the same level are ➞ BL-39 (1 cun laterally),

KID-10 (more medially, between the tendons of the semimembranosus

and semitendinosus muscles) and ➞LIV-8 (more

medially, anterior to the tendons of the semimembranosus and

semitendinosus muscles).


Vertically 0.5–1.5 cun. Caution: Popliteal nerve, artery and vein

lie deep to this point. Use moxibustion with caution (contraindicated

according to some authors). To clear Heat and eliminate

stasis: bleed the superficial veins, possibly followed by brief cupping.

Caution: Only use for excess conditions and in constitutionally

robust patients. BL-40 is also indicated as a distal point for

the lower back: needle with the patient standing (for safety and

balance, use a treatment couch or chair as a support for the hands)

and ask them to move their lower back gently while manipulating

the needle (only short needle retention). When needling this point

with the patient in a prone position, place a supporting roll or

pillow under the ankles to relax the popliteal crease.

(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG -2
(BL-40) Middle of the Crook WEIZHONG -2


● Clears (summer) Heat, stops vomiting and diarrhoea

● Cools the Blood

● Benefits the lower back and knees, opens the channel and luo

vessels, alleviates pain

Special features

He-sea point, Earth point, lower he-sea point of the Bladder, Ma

Dan Yang Heavenly Star point, Gao Wu command point of the

lumbar region. Important distal point for the lower back, point

with a wide range of indications.

Original article and pictures take acupunctureschoolonline.com site

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